
Marabisda News

January Newsletter

A message from our CEO:

Hi everyone and Happy 2025!

I don’t know where the holidays went – feels like we’ve been back at work for 3 months already! School’s back on Tuesday 28 January 2025 andwe’re all hoping that families have got everything they need for the kids to be ready to learn and back to school.

The Team at Connected Beginnings have been working hard to ensure that families, daycares, kindergartens and schools have everything they need for our kids to transition smoothly into their new grades or start their formal education at “Big School” Prep.

This is a very challenging time for families, especially those whose young ones are just about to enter into Prep. In my personal experience, I found it was like I was starting back at school as there were a whole heap of expectations put on me as a parent as well around drop off and pick up times, homework, healthy eating, dress-up days, show and tell days, and my child’s behaviour. I remember that feeling of not being “good enough” as a parent, because I always thought that Teacher was going to growl me because I’d forgotten to bring, contribute or complete something that was needed! I think it’s important that parents are prepared for “Big School” as well and don’t feel overwhelmed with all the demands that schools place on them at times. If you have the time to become involved in your child’s school through reading groups or other classroom activities, that’s fantastic and I’d strongly encourage you to do that. If you don’t, don’t feel guilty – just make sure your child understands why you can’t participate and make sure that they have everything they need so that they can participate fully in all their learning.

If you’ve got childcare or schooling queries for children aged between 0-5 years, the Badi Yalobaga Yuribaya Connected Beginnings Team would love to help you. Don’t hesitate to come and see them at 34 Hamlet Street, or give Nikki Timor a call on 0401 171 092.

Thanks everyone and stay safe and cool. 

– AB

See January's Newsletter

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