
Who is Trading Tracks for?

If you are an Indigenous business or start-up based in the regions of Central Highlands, Isaac, Mackay and Woorabinda, we want to hear from you and know what you need.

Trading Tracks is making significant impact in these regions, connecting Indigenous business with essential business support and networking opportunities in the business elements of:

A partnership between the Local Buying Foundation, BHP and in Qld – BMA.


• Enhance economic participation of locally based, small to medium Indigenous enterprises and BHP considered Traditional Owner Business.

• Strong, sustainable local Indigenous Businesses by building capability and capacity and providing sound strategic business advice.

• Focus areas –Mackay, Isaac, Woorabinda and Central Highlands.


Traditional Owner and Indigenous businesses in Trading Tracks program are defined as:

• A Traditional Owner business is any business, formal collaboration or Joint Venture that is at least 50% owned by the Traditional Owner or the Traditional Owners of lands in the local government regions of the focus areas, unless otherwise defined in a native title agreement or other formal agreement.

• An Indigenous business is any business, formal collaboration or Joint Venture that is at least 50% owned by Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people, unless otherwise defined in a native title agreement or other formal agreement.

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