
Marabisda News

Newsletter Issue 2

The MARABISDA Team have been proper busy since coming back from the Christmas break with lots of events, activities, workshops and programs. In February, our Family and Domestic Violence Service in partnership with Aunty Raechel with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships held an Ochre Ribbon Week Workshop. This brought Murri Workers from different Services in the Mackay region to come together to talk through the issues they face in community around domestic and family violence, what barriers or gaps there are in services and resources available, and how we can address those gaps. It was so valuable bringing these frontline workers together as it gave us all the opportunity to learn more from each other and look at what we can do together to meet the needs of our mob. This one gathering resulted in everyone in attendance agreeing that ongoing network meetings for Murri workers need to continue, and there are plans to work together to see how they can influence Government around other services for our community.

The Local Decision-Making Body (LDMB) is a reform initiative of the Queensland Government looking at new ways of engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the State. The purpose of the LDMB is to advise and provide input to the State Government about programs, initiatives, and funding that they may be implementing or about to deliver in the Mackay, and how it will address the needs and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in this community. If State Government are genuinely looking to lower the disadvantage and overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in the Mackay region, they need to hear from the mob who they are trying to “help”. I suppose this is a step in the right direction, because as we know, if you want to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, you need to listen to us – we know our communities best and we know what we need to make things better for us. The current LDMB has interim membership, and there will soon be an Expression of Interest process advertised for people to apply to become a member should they wish. We are striving to have diverse membership for the LDMB, including Traditional Owners, Torres Strait Islanders, young people, and women. If you would like further information, please contact Yonni at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.

Our Indigenous Family Wellbeing Service has also commenced our Women’s Group (see p.4) – female clients will be meeting together on a fortnightly basis to do Circle Of Security parenting workshops, understanding more about domestic and family violence, guest speakers from other services like ATSICHS AODS, Housing etc., along with other self-care, creative and healing activities.

More big news on the Child Protection side of things – MARABISDA has been confirmed as an appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entity to undertake Delegated Authority this year. Delegated Authority (or DA) is a process where the functions or powers that the Chief Executive of Child Safety (Director General) holds under the Child Protection Act 1999 are delegated to the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entity for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander child.

Delegated Authority transforms how child protection services are delivered by having the decisions made by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders in the sector, rather solely by staff in Child Safety. It also represents a significant opportunity to shift the child safety system and as such, is a high priority action under the “Our Way” Strategy 2017-2037 and supports efforts towards Closing the Gap and implementation of “Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s children 2021-2031”. There will be challenging times ahead as we try to navigate our way with Child Safety on this path, but with the support of our peak body QATSICPP and the DA Pilot Sites (who have been the trailblazers in this area and are now well established to advise us starters), I believe our community will have more of a voice in decision making around the connection and safety of our children and families. 

See the latest newsletter below:

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